Hughie Shorty [1]
G major, reel
composed by Johnny Wilmot
Recording Track Start Listed Tune Name Type
Mike MacDougallTape for Father Hector 3 03:38 (unnamed) G reel
Carl MacKenzieA Cape Breton Classic 6 00:34 Hugh Shortie’s Reel G reel
Lisa MacArthurLisa MacArthur 5 03:27 Hughie Shorty’s G reel
Johnny WilmotJohn Wilmot 3 00:00 Hughie Shorty’s Favourite Jig G reel
Johnny WilmotAnother Side of Cape Breton 23 00:00 Hughie Shorty’s Reel G reel
Howie MacDonaldA Taste of Cape Breton 7 02:30 Patricia Wilmot’s Reel G reel
Troy MacGillivrayLive at the Music Room 1 03:14 Hughie Shortie’s Reel G reel
Paul CranfordThe Lighthouse 7 02:13 Hughie Shorty’s Reel G reel
This tune starts something like this:
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