Johnny Wilmot [1]
G major, jig
composed by Johnny Wilmot
Recording Track Start Listed Tune Name Type
Joe CormierInformal Sessions 2 00:00 (unnamed) G jig
Scotty LeBlancThe Fiddling French Canadian Scot 10 00:00 John Wilmot Jig G jig
George MacInnisGift of Music 3 00:00 Johnny Wilmot’s G jig
Ian MacDougallBefore You Arrived 10 00:00 (unnamed) G jig
John A. MacDonaldTribute to the Detroit Scot 8 01:00 (unnamed) G jig
Cape Breton Fiddlers Association25th Anniversary 8 02:11 (not listed) G jig
The Queens County FiddlersForty Fiddles Flat Out! 8 02:11 Johnny Wilmot’s Jig G jig
This tune starts something like this:
8 6
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