Toss The Feathers [2]
D major, reel
Recording Track Start Listed Tune Name Type
Wendy MacIsaacThe “Reel” Thing 5 04:05 (unnamed) D reel
Chrissy CrowleyChrissy Crowley 4 01:08 Toss the Feathers D reel
Glenn GrahamDrive 10 01:58 Toss the Feathers D reel
J. J. ChaissonIn the “Genes” 8 02:34 (unnamed) D reel
Wendy MacIsaacOff the Floor 9 00:51 Toss the Feathers D reel
Kyle MacDonaldKyle MacDonald 7 01:31 Toss the Feathers D reel
This tune starts something like this:
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